Function Plane

A Plane Game Object.

The Plane Game Object is a helper class that takes the Mesh Game Object and extends it, allowing for fast and easy creation of Planes. A Plane is a one-sided grid of cells, where you specify the number of cells in each dimension. The Plane can have a texture that is either repeated (tiled) across each cell, or applied to the full Plane.

The Plane can then be manipulated in 3D space, with rotation across all 3 axis.

This allows you to create effects not possible with regular Sprites, such as perspective distortion. You can also adjust the vertices on a per-vertex basis. Plane data becomes part of the WebGL batch, just like standard Sprites, so doesn't introduce any additional shader overhead. Because the Plane just generates vertices into the WebGL batch, like any other Sprite, you can use all of the common Game Object components on a Plane too, such as a custom pipeline, mask, blend mode or texture.

You can use the uvScroll and uvScale methods to adjust the placement and scaling of the texture if this Plane is using a single texture, and not a frame from a texture atlas or sprite sheet.

The Plane Game Object also has the Animation component, allowing you to play animations across the Plane just as you would with a Sprite.

Note that the Plane object is WebGL only and does not have a Canvas counterpart.

The Plane origin is always 0.5 x 0.5 and cannot be changed.

  • Parameters

    • props: ObjectProps<Plane> & RecursivePartial<Plane> & {
          frame?: string | number;
          texture: string | Texture;

    Returns ReactNode | Promise<ReactNode>


displayName?: string

Used in debugging messages. You might want to set it explicitly if you want to display a different name for debugging purposes.

const MyComponent: FC = () => {
return <div>Hello!</div>

MyComponent.displayName = 'MyAwesomeComponent'
propTypes?: any

Ignored by React.

Only kept in types for backwards compatibility. Will be removed in a future major release.