A Video Game Object.
This Game Object is capable of handling playback of a previously loaded video from the Phaser Video Cache, or playing a video based on a given URL. Videos can be either local, or streamed.
Used in debugging messages. You might want to set it explicitly if you want to display a different name for debugging purposes.
Legacy React Docs
const MyComponent: FC = () => { return <div>Hello!</div>}MyComponent.displayName = 'MyAwesomeComponent' Copy
const MyComponent: FC = () => { return <div>Hello!</div>}MyComponent.displayName = 'MyAwesomeComponent'
Ignored by React.
Only kept in types for backwards compatibility. Will be removed in a future major release.
A Video Game Object.
This Game Object is capable of handling playback of a previously loaded video from the Phaser Video Cache, or playing a video based on a given URL. Videos can be either local, or streamed.